According to a recent study, clients who are spending above average on SEO services are more satisfied than the clients who spend less on SEO services.
Small businesses in America are spending an average of $497 on SEO services each month. The study has also found that the clients who are spending more than $500 per month are 53% and they are experiencing a lot of benefits from SEO services.
The study was carried out on 1,200 business owners and they were asked to answer a few questions regarding the SEO service industry. There are many other key findings of the study which are hinting that businesses should invest more in SEO services.
After the analysis, it was found that 75% of the surveyed businesses look for the SEO provider’s reputation and consider it very important before hiring them. The location of the SEO service provider also plays an important role in the decision made by businesses. The businesses are expecting from SEO service providers that they would help them to attract new customers. You can also click here to check one of the most approached SEO agency by businesses.
According to the study, business owners are also expecting that SEO service providers will help them to increase brand awareness among the public. The businesses working with the SEO service providers are more satisfied than the businesses working with freelancers. The ones which are working with only one reputed SEO agency are much more satisfied than the businesses working with several service providers.