When it comes to designer handbags, few brands are as iconic or as coveted as Hermes. The French luxury goods company has been crafting exquisite leather goods since 1837 and its bags—from the Birkin to the Kelly—are some of the most sought-after accessories in the world.
But who are some of the celebrities who can afford these luxurious items? Let’s take a look at a few of them.
Victoria Beckham
Victoria Beckham is no stranger to style so it should come as no surprise that she owns several Hermes bags. She was first spotted with a classic black Birkin bag back in 2006 (which she famously carried while pregnant with her son Brooklyn) and has since been seen carrying a number of different styles from the brand including an emerald green crocodile Birkin and a brown crocodile Kelly bag.
Beyonce Knowles
Beyonce is another famous fan of Hermes bags who was seen sporting a classic tan Birkin back in 2009. She’s also been spotted carrying an alligator Constance bag, which retails for around $20,000. But even she purchases such bags after making sure of Hermes Authentication.
Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian is another celebrity who loves her Hermes bags. She’s often seen carrying a classic black Birkin but she also owns several other styles from the brand including a hot pink ostrich skin Kelly bag and an orange crocodile Birkin.
Blake Lively
Blake Lively is another fashionista who loves her Hermes bags. She’s often seen carrying an ivory calfskin Kelly bag, but she also owns several other styles from the brand including a black croc skin Constance bag and a navy blue croc skin Birkin.
Hermes bags are some of the most coveted accessories in the world and there’s no shortage of celebrities who own them! From Victoria Beckham to Kim Kardashian, these stars love their Hermes bags for their timeless style and luxe materials.
Whether you’re looking for inspiration or just want to window shop, these celebrities have definitely got you covered! If you’re looking to add one of these iconic pieces to your wardrobe, you can find a range of options available online. But do make sure to go through a rigorous handbag authentication service before purchasing such a luxurious bag from any online source.