Everyone on the music sharing platform, SoundCloud has only one objective in mind, how to gain more and more followers? Traditionalists might say that having a nice album or a great live show might do the trick, but those golden days are well past us. These aren’t the sole requirements for an upcoming artist anymore. Nowadays you need a strategy which will turn out to be your online jackpot. And trust me, Soundcloud is a part of that.
What exactly do we need to do to gain followers in SoundCloud?
We have assimilated a few proven ways of getting more SoundCloud followers. The overall scheme is dependent on each and every step, so it is not advisable that you skip through them and follow the one which you like. Instead, try and follow each one of them.
Get a paid account
Most people nurture this crazy idea that they can get all good things on the Internet in exchange of nothing. And they somehow find out that it is not true, mostly in a harsh way. SoundCloud is a platform where this ideology also holds true. Any user having a paid account will, in turn, get more output from his or her account. According to a survey from Forbes, around 96 percent users on SoundCloud are free users. So, being a paid user will automatically allow you to stand out. SoundCloud offers its users distribution on a global level. Having to pay a little money in exchange of that will get you a long way in gaining more followers in SoundCloud.
Create a list of your favorites
The one thing that you must remember is that SoundCloud is a social media platform as much as it is a music sharing platform. That is why using your Favorites’ list effectively will do your SoundCloud account a lot of favors in terms of followers. All you need to do is visit your dashboard and check what the people you are following are listening to. Select a few tracks that you like to your list of Favorites. You can also contact these musicians personally and let them know your affection towards their work. These bands that you add would promote this playlist in order to engage their fans. These fans would then be able to see your activity and hence try you out once in a while. Now is the time for you to start building connections all through the platform and hence gain a lot of followers in the process.
Choose a fantastic image
By an image I didn’t mean the way you or your band portrays itself. I simply meant your avatar displayed on the homepage. It is also a part of the popup which appears when people hover over your tracks. Many musicians consider these to be trivial matter which don’t matter much but contrary to them they really do. Letting your music do all the talking doesn’t prove to be enough nowadays. You need to have an impressive image attached to your account so that people view your works once or twice even when they do not want to. Try to provide interesting facets through your avatar such as the name of your upcoming album or your most popular song. Don’t become all photographic in choosing this image.

A Great Image attracts more Followers
Comment on other’s tracks
Commenting on the tracks of others is a great thing but be careful not to comment of the likes of “Yo! That was dope” or “sexy track dude”. That might attract a lot of abuses as no proper musician would like that. Also, remember not to tell anyone to visit your account as that would appear too self-promoting. Real comments are what you need to provide in order to appear as someone who understands music or even someone who makes sense. This also provides you an opportunity to build links which would associate weight, importance and merit to your work.
Join some groups on SoundCloud
Every genre of music possesses a few of groups for fans to come together and discuss their favorite music. Any user has the ability to join any number of groups and that too for free. So, there is really no reason not to do so. Your tracks can also be sent to the group for inclusion which provides an easy way for you to add more SoundCloud followers naturally. Starting your own group will allow you to get followers on your own and hence control how the music flows. When starting a group be sure to begin locally and then aim to expand globally.
Concentrate on quality music
This is obviously the most significant part of the discussion. People will get on with your work if and only if that work becomes something of worth. You have to make your music worth people’s money and time. Don’t just put up anything that you have just finished. Go over it time and again and ensure that nothing is there to improve upon. Emphasize on professional and tight mixing so that the tracks you make stand out from the crowd. The quality of music that you put up must be superior no matter what. This aspect is actually a prerequisite point of all the other points.
Collaborate with other artists
Pick out artists who have a similar music as that of you. Then try to collaborate with them on tracks. Ask them if they would be interested and if yes then just go for it. Collabs can be a great way of ensuring that special music having the capability of reaching out to twice the listener base is being made. A little cross-promotion can also be achieved in the process. Make sure to include your partner’s profile link when the collab gets published.

Collaboration Produces Great Music
Making the right impression via SoundCloud can prove to be a tricky game but once you learn the right ways and implement them correctly, there is nothing to stop you from gaining followers.