Oranje Pharma Cannabis Concentrates specializes in producing and supplying high quality stealthy flavored THC/CBD Vape Juice and Cannabis Concentrates Oils.
Their cannabis oils are crafted with a blend of both indica and sativa strains that are delicious. Expertly grown and harvested BC buds are carefully extracted into pure cannabis oils, resulting in an exceedingly wide cannabinoid profile, containing all the benefits of both THC and CBD oils.
Oranje Pharma started their website 420vapejuice.ca in 2012 and they believe the future of cannabis consumption is steering toward these potent concentrated forms of marijuana. They specialize in stealthy medicating. You can medicate nearly anywhere, and there is no need to excuse yourself socially for 30 minutes and return from outside stinking up the room.
Their extraction process removes all but the essential oils and virtually all of the smell is removed. Later in the process flavorings are added to completely mask the smell and taste. Alternatively, you can also get none-flavored blends.