Category Archives: Internet

How AI has Improved the Psychological Procedures

Artificial Intelligence technology has been extensively used to mimic human activities and to understand human behavior in an effective manner. With the use of AI and machine learning technology, an improvement in the psychological procedures have been noticed. And this has helped to provide mental health care solutions to a high number of people living […]

SEO Questions Every Dental Practitioner Should Ask its Internet Marketing Agency

Like many other websites of different firms, it has become important for dental practices to boost their presence in the online world with the use of SEO services of an internet marketing agency. However, prior to assigning the work of internet marketing for your dental firm, it is mandatory for every dental practitioner to ask […]

What are Broken Links?

A broken link, also known as “dead link” is a link on a web page which no longer works because of a number of reasons. Due to the presence of broken links on a website, it becomes difficult for a visitor to access the desired destination or resource. And this can affect the daily traffic […]

How technology is Influencing the Fashion Industry

Like many other sectors, technology has impacted the fashion and clothing industry on a large scale. With the introduction of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cryptocurrencies, it has become possible to increase the growth of the fashion world on a large scale. Technology has not just improved the fashion industry but it has also contributed […]