Education plays an important role to build a nation. Over the past few decades, Indonesia was lacking in providing adequate education to youngsters. As per, in 2002 the government had implemented few policies to improve the education system in the state.
Amendments in Policies
Indonesian government had also made an amendment in its constitution to provide a specific budget to the education system. The new amendment to the constitution allows the government to spend 20% of the nation’s GDP on education reform in the state.
The new education policies implemented on district and school levels included implementing Teacher Law first time in 2005. According to, earlier Indonesian teachers were lacking in complete subject knowledge and required teaching skills to be a successful educator, which resulted in poor graduates. The government also failed to fill the vacancies due to unavailability of necessary knowledge in applicants. World Bank had also supported Indonesia to bring changes and refinement in teaching and learning skills in the state.
In 2016, a collaboration of the Indonesia Ministry of Education with World Bank department of education had implemented Improving Dimension of Teaching, Education Management and Learning Environment (ID-TEMAN) program in Indonesia. The target of the collaboration was to help Indonesia’s education system reach up to the mark.
Due to the practical efforts of the Indonesian government and the World Bank, the education is reforming in the state at a rapid pace. According to the UNESCO report, the literacy rate in Indonesia is around 95%, and the youth literacy rate in the country is 99%. The Indonesian government is focusing on junior secondary and senior secondary school education.
The country has some high ranked educational institutions such as the University of Indonesia, which was listed at 277 in 2018 by QS World University Ranking. Indonesia has done lots of reforms in its education system, and many more are yet to be done. By considering the government efforts and youth’s interest in education, the country is progressing towards an education provider hub to others.
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