Social Media has long been helpful to drive traffic to your website. And that happens when the networks are popular and have followers in millions.
But what if you have to promote your own social network only? There are many social networks already existing in the Digital world. But just like any other segment, even social networks are also entering and exiting the internet. While some of them become popular, some fail to make their mark.
So how can YOU make your own social network popular? If you have created a new such website, then this post might be what you exactly need. Here are some tips for you to promote your social network to other people.
Target the audience by their needs
First you need to identify who your target audience would be. Are you making a network for women?, men?, adults?, youngsters?, or anybody else?
When you have decided upon your target audience, find out what are their needs and desires. See what they like and dislike. And then use that to promote your website. For example, Twitter got attention by using the celebrities, whom people love madly. So find out your own niche and target accordingly.
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Use the Contests
If you think your users like the celebs, you can take the popular celeb and get him or her to introduce the contest to the people. One of the contests run by Twitter was when they used Ashton Kutcher to draw people. He challenged Larry King on his show that whoever has 1 million followers first, will win the contest.
Isn’t this one of the brilliant tactics to draw millions of people to the website? In short, if you can afford, a mega celebrity would be just what you need. With this, a very low investment can get you millions of people in a very short duration.
Pull marketing for the win
Instead of pushing the product, go with the pull marketing. That means, instead of marketing it desperately, create a new need among people and pull them through that need. Let the users come to you instead of you going to them.
This is exactly what Facebook did.
Starting from a network only exclusive to Harvard people, many users started sending requests to Facebook to become a part of it. And this is how the rise of today’s Social Media giant took place.